The Investment Financing Bank [from its French name Banque de Financement et d’Investissement – BFI] was first established in 2012 through Decision No. 008 / GR / 2012 issued by the Central Bank of Mauritania, and has been operational since 2017.
The BFI Bank is an Islamic bank: it provides at competitive prices to its customers, whether they are large and medium-size national or foreign companies operating in the country, professionals, institutions, associations or individuals, quality products that are flexible, innovative and tailored to customer needs, all the while complying with the principles of Islamic finance.
In just two years of activities, the Investment Financing Bank has established itself as a key player in the Mauritanian banking sector, and a recognized institution on the national economic landscape.
Working alongside its clients, the BFI Bank wishes to contribute actively to the development of the national economy, through operation norms and rules of procedure set by Islamic Finance.
The opening of its sixteen (16) branches expresses the BFI Bank’s objective to be close and accessible to its clientele.